Information about visas in Turkey
It is extremely important that the foreigners who intend to come to Turkey must acquire the right type of visa.
There’s a difference between a work, business and tourist visas. Additionally, the way of acquirining a visa and the neccessaty for it differ from country to country, in accordance with the reciprocity principle.
Citizens of certain countries don’t have to acquire a tourist visa. In some cases, you may be able to acquire a visa electronically. On the other hand, people who intend on acuiring a student and a work visa must be present at the Turkish consulates or embassies abroad.
The english speaking lawyers at the Seyhan Law Firm are able to help you determine which visa you need and how to apply for it.
Below you can find a list of visas
A) Tourist visa
B) Transit visa
C) Airport transit visa
D) Student visa
E) Work visa
F) Visa for a representative of a foreign state stationed in Turkey
G) Other types of Visa
The english speaking lawyers in Turkey in Seyhan Law Firm may help you with your visa application and processing.